DCH Greener NHS
In tandem with hosting a national touring exhibition from Greener NHS, we have worked with sustainability manager Bev Lagden to highlight our own green initiatives here at DCHFT.
A Greener NHS: Dorset County Hospital Green Plan and Sustainability Actions
In 2020 the NHS was the world’s first health service to commit to achieving net zero carbon. This commitment was further enshrined in the Health and Care Act 2022. Greener NHS, a central NHS body with regional units, was set up to coordinate the large amount of work required to achieve the carbon reduction targets. One of the first requirements set by Greener NHS was for each NHS Trust to have a Green Plan in place by January 2022 and be valid until March 2025.
Sustainability has been on the agenda at DCH for many years. Prior to COVID-19 the Trust maintained a Sustainable Development Management Plan and invested in major initiatives such as the Combined Heat and Power plant and LED lighting. A Sustainability and Travel Working Group was established, supported by a cohort of Sustainability Champions.
DCH’s Green Plan builds on this, whilst adopting the structure prescribed by Greener NHS. Actions are split between 10 themes: Workforce and System Leadership; Sustainable Models of Care; Digital Transformation; Travel & Transport; Estates & Facilities; Your Future Hospital Project; Medicines; Supply Chain and Procurement; Food and Nutrition; and Adaptation.
Here are some recent examples relating to the Green Plan themes. There are other examples across the Trust, and initiatives in development, such as looking at our building energy that forms 15.28%* of our Carbon (and equivalent) footprint. Staff, patient and visitor travel accounts for 17.63%* of Dorset County Hospital’s Carbon Plus Footprint. In September 2022 the Trust launched Dorset NHS Liftshare, saving costs on this market leading app in partnership as the NHS Greener in Dorset Group of Sustainability Managers from all the Dorset NHS Trusts. Other ways to encourage active and low carbon will form part of a Green Travel Plan.
The NHS Greener in Dorset group also worked together to successfully roll-out the ‘Ecoearn’ app. This is an online platform available to all employees at Dorset NHS Trusts promoting activities to boost sustainability and well-being, earn Green Points, and win prizes for positive efforts. From September 2022 to February 2023 257 staff registered with Ecoearn, 5,228 actions were completed, with competitions between teams, and an equivalent of 11.090Kg of CO2e saved.
If you would like to find out more, have a green idea or something we would like to hear about, please get in touch with Dorset County Hospital Sustainability Manager [email protected]
Thanks to Alejandro Ballentyne, fantastic hospital photographer.
*This data is from the latest estimate by NHS England of Dorset County Hospital’s contribution to the NHS Carbon Footprint Plus for 2019/20. Carbon footprint plus is carbon directly and indirectly produced).
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We aim to enhance the healing environment for patients, visitors and staff here at Dorset County Hospital, through visual art, performance and music. Please help us to continue and expand our programme by donating. Your donations can be used to commission and purchase new artwork to brighten up the hospital or to fund new participatory projects with professional artists and musicians.