
Kit Benwell on loan


Kit Benwell on loan

Sculptor Kit Benwell initially trained as a furniture designer, making one off pieces with strong sculptural elements. He now concentrates on sculpture, working in a variety of different woods he creates large outdoor works alongside smaller carved and constructed pieces.

 The inspiration for these pieces came from an Athena poster from the 1970s. The poster was a depiction of a painting by the Danish artist Carlo Rosberg (1902 -1994) ‘Drying the Trawl’.

 ‘I haven't seen this poster for probably 50 years, but I remember being fascinated by it at the time. I had a clear picture in my mind of the original image as the shapes and colours in the painting stayed with me’.

These sculptures created from memory are a 3D interpretation of the original painting and are made using scorched oak which has then been cut and painted. Each piece measures 2 and a half metres high.

This piece is on loan to us while our Elisabeth Frink ‘Large Dog’ is on loan to an exhibition in Sherborne.

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